Ijazah in Aljazariyyah – CANCELED

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Date(s) - 01/11/2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Diyanet Center of America
9610 Good Luck Road
United States

Goals of the program:

  1. Helping the candidates or Quran teachers (Hafiz and non-Hafiz) to improve their Tajweed and recitation.
  2. Helping the candidates to understand the Tajweed rules and enhance their knowledge in this matter.
  3. Helping the candidates to be connected with Quran Sciences
  4. Helping the candidates to improve their teaching and preparing the Quran lessons.
  5. Helping the candidates to improve their pronunciation in Arabic


Who can apply to this program?

Anyone who currently teaches the Quran or who is willing to teach the Quran in the future.

Memorizing at least one Juzuo.

Know how to read and write Arabic


The time and the duration of the program:

4 weeks Every Saturday (Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1)

From 10:00-12:00 pm

DCA Guest House Building – Classrooms


Expectations and Outcomes:

  • The candidates will receive Ijazah and Sanad of Al jazariyyah that states his/her name and the chain of Quran Scholars to Al-Imam Aljazari AFTER memorizing and reciting the poem of Aljazariyyah in one setting.
  • The candidates will receive the attendance certificate with grades from DCA.


The Instructors of the class:

Dr. Siddiq Ahmed

Imam Nurullah Celebi


Tuitions and fees

$ 10 Registration fees

$ 250 for non-Hafiz

$ 200 for Hafiz


The curriculum:

Day 1
المقدمة، باب مخارج الحروف، باب صفات الحروف

باب التجويد، باب في ذكر بعض التنبيهات، وباب الراءت


Day 2
باب اللامات وأحكام متفرقة، باب الضاد والظاء

باب النون والميم المشددتين والميم الساكنة، وباب أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين


Day 3

باب المدّ، وباب معرفة الوقوف والابتداء، باب المقطوع والموصول

وباب التاء باب الهمز والوصل وباب الوقف على أواخر الكلم

Day 4




حفل التخرج (Graduate Ceremony )


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